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Dissertation literature review

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The Dissertation Literature Review – Tedious but Necessary

Your literature review can be frustrating for a number of reasons:

  • You may end up accessing and reading a lot of research studies that, in the end, are not relevant enough to be included in your literature review chapter – a waste of your time!
  • You are struggling with organizing/synthesizing the research coherently to address sub-topics in the overall research question you are addressing.
  • You worry that you may have overlooked a research study that should be included in your literature review chapter, and that this omission will “come back to haunt you.”

Getting help with the Literature Review Will Save you Time and Agony

More than any other dissertation chapter, clients come to for their literature reviews. Often, this is because they are pressed for time and/or are struggling with organizing all of the research they are reviewing. As well, they are concerned that they may not have found some relevant research that should be included. We can help in the following ways:

  • We will assign a Ph.D. consultant to work exclusively with you on your literature review chapter.
  • Your consultant will review what you have done thus far, organize that research into sub-topics, and even write the entire chapter for you.
  • You consultant will perform a search for other current and relevant research that you may have overlooked and add it to your literature review.
  • Your consultant works with you in complete confidentiality. In fact, that consultant only knows you by first name and client number.
  • You will know up front what the cost of the services you request will be. We do not “surprise” our clients with added fees.
  • You may upload to your consultant all of the literature review work you have already completed, and s/he will take it from there to create an academically-sound literature review chapter.
  • You will have the right of review and the ability to request any revisions you wish until you are satisfied, at no additional charge.
  • You will always have direct access to your consultant, through a portal on our website that is password-protected and that only you and your writer will access.

To request assistance with your literature review or any other dissertation chapter, you should contact our customer support department by phone, live chat or email. Once we have a clear idea of your need, we will be able to give you a pricing quote and locate the most appropriate Ph.D. consultant to work with you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you find an expert for my literature review?
Yes, if you submit your order to us, we will find a qualified expert to work on your literature review. They can assist you with the literature review process, or help turn your research notes into a complete document for your dissertation.
Is your literature review writing service legal?
It is legal. No regulations or laws are restricting you from obtaining academic help with your dissertation. That includes paying for assistance with your literature review. However, it is up to you to apply the assistance we provide in a way that meets the standards of academic honesty.
How fast can you complete my literature review?
First, we strongly recommend that you submit your order as soon as possible. The longer your writer has to go through your notes, and collaborate with you, the better. That said, if we accept an order, we are committed to delivering the final product on or before the deadline you request.
How much will the final literature review cost?
Our prices vary depending on your deadline, grade level, and other factors. Also, if you elect to receive bids on your order, your price will depend on the final bid that you accept. In any case, please know that we work hard to charge reasonable costs and offer discounts to students.
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