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Your Cover Letter Can Be More Important Than Your Resume

A lot of job applicants produce their cover letters almost as an after-thought. They work so hard on their resumes and then write a brief cover letter simply indicating interest in an open position or in the organization in general. Many use a standard template, changing just the title of the position and company name. Nothing could be worse!

A boring cover letter means your resume will be trashed, so it is time that you re-consider what a cover letter is supposed to do, what it should contain, and how to construct one that will be both engaging and unique.

Purpose of the Cover Letter

A cover letter is a brief introduction of YOU – it is not a plea for consideration for the position that is open. Of course, you will mention the position later in the letter, but the bulk of the letter must speak to who you are and what you have accomplished so far. This is what will cause the “screener” to decide if your resume will be worth the trouble of a review.

The other purpose of the cover letter is to grab the reader’s attention immediately, and this requires a creative approach which will be addressed shortly.

What the Cover Letter Should Contain

  • A brief introduction of yourself – don’t start out with your degrees and qualifications for this position – start out with something more bold that focuses on a strength that sets you apart.
  • Statement of interest in the position opportunity – don’t be shy about this. There is a big difference between saying, “I find your opportunity a match for my qualifications,” and, “Your opportunity is exactly what I have been looking for!”
  • A “call to action:” Instead of saying, “I may be contacted at…...” state, “Please contact me at……….”. You are thus more proactive and confident.

How to Construct the Cover Letter

“Aye, here’s the rub.” If you have been using a cover letter template, ditch it right now. Each cover letter must be constructed uniquely for the position and the organization. Due diligence is required:

  • Research the company. Find some way to incorporate the company/organization mission and goals into your cover letter. This will impress.
  • Begin the letter with a bold engaging statement about yourself. “Milk toast” introductions, such as, “With great interest, I noted your posting for a position…..” are boring and flat. Every other candidate is opening the letter this way. Be different!
  • Very briefly, allude to your background and experience that relates to the position opening – the details will be in your resume.
  • End with a “call to action.” “Tell” the reader to contact you; don’t “ask” him/her to do so.

Need Some Help? is Here!

We understand that most job seekers have skills, talents, and experience that do not relate to writing, and for this reason many seek out professional help to create their resumes and cover letters. For years,, the best letter writing service online has had an entire department focused on resume, CV and cover letter writing for clients seeking employment in virtually every career field. Our expertise comes from the following:

  • Writers who themselves come from HR backgrounds and who act as consultants for companies and organizations in the screening of applicants.
  • Writers who will take your educational and experiential background and translate that into a dynamic and compelling cover letter that will look like no other – guaranteed to grab any reader’s attention

Trust your cover letter composition to the pros at – we will make you memorable!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can you help with my cover letter?
We can help you by crafting a concise, customized cover letter that communicates your best qualifications, and your interest in any job. We will work with you to best understand the employer’s needs along with your capabilities, and create a cover letter that is sure to grab attention.
Can you write my resume too?
Yes, we also write and edit resumes and CV. If you are interested, we can offer special prices to create several customized resume/CV sets. This is a perfect option if you are planning to apply for multiple positions.
Will Employers Know Someone Wrote my Cover Letter?
You have nothing to worry about. We distribute your completed cover letters to you directly. You may then add your signature, contact information, or any other details. Potential employers will receive your cover letter from you at your chosen email address.
How are cover letter writers qualified?
All of our cover letter writers have a background in HR, Personnel, or recruiting. They understand what hiring managers are looking for, and how applicant tracking systems work. They will write your letter to optimize your chances of landing an interview.
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