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Everyone Deserves a Great Application Package

We are well aware that students seeking entry into universities and graduate school programs face many challenges. For many students, the biggest challenge is successfully completing their admissions essays, scholarship essays, and personal statements. At, we believe that all students deserve the opportunity to pursue the education of their dreams. This is why we formed the admissions services division of our writing company.

Admissions Essay Services

When you hire us to write your admission essays, or even the short answer responses to questions on many application forms, you are guaranteeing yourself that you will have the most engaging written pieces that will be submitted. Why? Because our professional writers will take the time to learn about you and your life experiences in order to handcraft an original essay that represents the best of you as a student and a human being – a presentation that will too creative and well-written to ignore.

Scholarship Essay Services

No student should ever miss out on the opportunity to go to college because s/he does not have enough money. Fortunately, there are many scholarships available to students who need extra financial assistance, so long as they meet the established criteria and can submit a worthy and compelling essay. The professional writers at will write a scholarship essay for you that will bring in those needed dollars!

Personal Statement Services

Do you have dreams of attending law or medical school? Would you like to earn your MBA while attending an elite business school? We can help you accomplish this dream when we create personal statement essays that present and promote you in exceptional and thoroughly exciting ways.

Contact for all of your college admissions needs. Just write us "I need help writing an essay" and we will find you a professional writer for your task. Our success rate is higher than any other professional writing service, and, once you receive your essay(s), you will know why.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get me into my dream school?
We can help you write an admissions essay, scholarship essay, or personal statement that really reflects your best attributes. This is an important part of the admissions process. It’s up to you to meet other requirements like the GPA, and to understand what the admissions committee wants to see!
Will my admissions essay be written on time?
If we accept your order, we will deliver your admissions essay on or before the deadline date you give us. Please double-check with the university to ensure that you have your application packet with essay, ready in plenty of time.
Can I choose my topic?
That depends. Many schools will provide you with a limited list of essay topics, often using the ‘common application’. In other cases, you are allowed to choose any topic you want. No matter what, we will help you select the topic that is perfect for you if you would like. Then, we will write a great essay that is sure to impress.
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