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Completed orders:
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joined on Dec 07, 2018
The writer is most specialized in the following subjects:
Law 228 Business 163 Psychology 136 Nursing 135 Management 84

I complete high-quality and accurate works in Law, Management, Economics, Accounting, Marketing, and other subject areas.

Care Plan
Jun 19.2019
Great job
Case Law Analysis: Intellectual Property
May 18.2019
Perfect paper thank you
M2D1: Recent Reporting on Human Trafficking
May 08.2019
Good paper
Seats and Biomechanics in Aviation
Apr 08.2019
Research paper
Well written paper, but needed to be re-read a few times as it had many grammatical and sentence errors.
Health Informatics: Health Policy and Standards in System Design
Apr 06.2019
Thank you
3. Correctional officers are generally responsible for the custody, safety, and security of inmates. Fully describe the five types of correctional officers that Farkas has categorized based on their approach and personal philosophy of this role.
Mar 31.2019
Great job!
Cyber Security about Venezuela
Mar 31.2019
Research paper
Thank you. I’m not sure if it is a persuasive, or informative paper. Can you please help me Identify which it is cause it suppose to be a persuasive.
Aviation Regulatory Agency User Fees
Mar 30.2019
Research paper
Nice job
A comparative country fact-book of the dairy industry in India and the U.S.
Mar 24.2019
After improvements have made the essay is now very good. Thank you for making the changes I asked to do. I am very happy now with the essay and the effort the support team and the writer have put in.
Cultural Effects of Diversity in the Workplace
Mar 20.2019
Thank you!