7 Effective Strategies For College Students

You Are Finally on Your Own—Be Safe
Graduation is over and you are headed to college. A world that begins your transition from young adult, to adulthood. For many this is an exciting time. Time to be on your own and make your own choices. While it is going to be great not to have your mom walk in on you while you are doing God knows what, and to not have your dad looming by while you are talking on the phone with friends, becoming an adult comes with responsibility. Yeah, that word again. You will be running into that word the rest of your life, and then you will be passing it on to your kids one day. Before you settle into the daily grind of college life, and write essay number one, take time to go over these important steps that may keep you responsible and safe enough to finish college.
Choose Friends Wisely
Everyone wants to be liked, and you had protection at home when your parents could watch over you, and get on your nerves about what friends you chose. Everyone that smiles is not a friend, and many of your college mates may not be those that you would want around if you are there to gain that degree. Partying is one thing, but overdoing it is another. Be the one that knows how to say “no”, it is a word that will come in handy.
Secure Your Belongings
Laptops, phones, IPods, these are costly and your parents are not going to want to keep sending you these things if they are lost or stolen. You do not want to have to work hard and have to buy them over and over again either. Invest in an engraving tool and computing system locks, there are many online that are inexpensive.
E-mail Your Professors
This is so important. Let them know that you are happy to be coming to their classes or even ask for college essay help. Nurturing a relationship with them is going to be valuable as you move from semester to semester. They have been at the college for many years, well some of them, and they know what you need to succeed. Some will even lay out your entire path for you, advising what classes to take now, and which ones to wait to take.
Save Money
If you have millions of dollars you can skip this one. Most of us don’t have the privilege of parents with fat bank accounts to send money to us every month, so be thrifty. You don’t have to have 100-dollar tennis shoes to look your best, and ramen noodles taste good when the right veggies are added to them. There are books to be bought, and they are expensive, so rent them. Used books are okay too, as a matter of fact, the notes in them from other students that came before you can be priceless. Although you may have to buy essays online from the best college essay writing service if you are behind in your schedule, don’t make a habit of it. Saved money can go towards much needed copy costs and travel fares.
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Bike or Walk
Campuses can be huge, and so can the bus fare to get around them in bigger cities. Get a good bike or walk, not only will you be healthier, you will save a ton of money.
Try to get Your Syllabus Early
Many professors will gladly send it if you ask for it when you email them and introduce yourself. This is a great way to get to the bookstore before the rush in the first week of school.
Utilize the Study Lab
The less wear and tear you put on your personal computer or laptop, the better. The computer study lab and college library are there for your use and the extra icing on the cake is that it is usually very quiet and you can study effectively.
This wasn’t the normal how to get your studying done guide you may have been looking for, however, print this out and put it on the back of your door to your dorm room, or on your mirror. After you are practical about how to live your life on campus, the rest will be easier to handle. Those talks that your parents gave you before leaving home were not to nag you, but were to keep you safe. Don’t forget to call them, they miss you more than you could ever know, and you know you miss them too.