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Essay Writing Tips

The Targeted Resume - 5 Resume Templates Based Upon Position/Organization

September 23, 2015
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The Targeted Resume - 5 Resume Templates Based Upon Position/Organization

One size does not fit all. That is the “rule” you must remember as you craft your resume for any job search – whether you are coming up upon graduation and looking for your first career position or looking for a job change. What you need to understand is this: each resume you send out will have to be somewhat unique and designed specifically for the organization to which it is going.

Content Will Vary

The first thing you will need to do is to carefully read the job description of any position that has been posted. Look specifically for keywords in that description – skills, background experience, etc. Because many resumes today are initially screened by an automated system, you need to make sure that those keywords are in the content of your resume – maybe more than once. You will also want to give more “weight” in your resume to the coursework or experience that relates specifically to the position description and to the organization that is receiving it.

No Prose Please

Given that you only have 6 seconds to impress, you have to use bold, headings, subheadings, and bullet points – a reader has to be able to scan your resume and know pretty quickly if s/he wants to read it in more depth. Get those keywords in your heading and subheadings.

Action Verbs Please

State your achievements using action verbs only. They are stronger and much more forceful. And as you list those achievements, try to give actual numbers. For example, “Brought 9 new clients into the firm in a 6-monthperiod.”


Here are 5 templates based upon the organization to which you may be applying:

Traditional – For Conservative Organizations

Notice that the resume is blocked out in sections with no “extras” – no color, nor border or shading – just black on white print. But the section heading are in bold which allow a hiring manager to easily scan. This resume would be appropriate for banks, financial institutions, investment firms and other conservative companies and businesses.

Modified Traditional – Conservative but Less so than Banks

If you have researched the company and see that they are a bit more progressive than banks, you can add some color. Notice that the sections are still the same, giving a conservative feel, but the color adds just a bit more pizzazz.

Mildly Progressive

If the job description uses some more contemporary vocabulary and the website does as well, you can get a bit more progressive with your resume, perhaps adding a graphic and/or several different fonts, as the one shown below:


If your company is definitely newer, younger, and the job posting is casual in language and the website looks like a “jeans environment,” you can definitely go the route of creativity with more infographics.

Really Progressive

Usually, resumes that are designed for positions in the creative arts, including web design, music, art, and performing arts can be really “way out there.” Here is an example of such a resume that is bound to get attention.

As you can see, you can take your information and package it in so many different ways. Research the organization, decide which type of template is best for that organization, and craft the perfect resume